Workshops II

Görel Fred

Görel Fred, psychotherapist, Sweden: Reconcile with your childhood and maybe with your parents

Nilsson, Syverstad, Svoren, Torbergsen,Berg

Finn Berg, Sanne Svoren, Annette Syverstad, Marte Nilsson and Trine Torbergsen, Norway: Enhancing the child’s voice in family therapy sessions

Ungeliv Ringsted

Schäfer, Reinhold; Gandløse, Jytte; Røijen, Staffan; Resen, Anja; Nielsen, Signe, Denmark: Pathfinderes in the room of refleksions – A path will come, when we work on it


Bo Rundberg Ida Lindahl Maria Kjellberg-Carlson

Bo Rundberg, Ida Lindahl, Maria Kjellberg-Carlson, Sweden: Reconnecting families in the context of the family care foundation


Mona Wibrån, Sweden: Parent leadership training a start or a consummation of a familt therapy journey


Einar Egenaes

Einar Egenaes, Norway: The Integration of “SNAP” in the daily work of a modern Hospital

Ottar Ness - Copy Vigdis Wei Torsteinsson - Copy Gustaf Berglund

Ottar Ness, Vigdis Wie Torsteinsson, Gustaf Berglund: Focus on writing in Fokus. Part II


Allan Holmgren, Danmark: Narrative Therapy is Distinctly Different from Systemic Therapy

Anna-Maija Lampinen   1 kemur Anna-Maija Lampinen

Anna-Maija Lampinen, Finland: Introduction of groupmodel for severely traumatized parents – How to work with families (LTP, PDI).

Margret Gisladottir

Margret Gisladottir, Iceland: Therapeutic Intervention for Parents of Adolescents with ADHD in Group and Caregivers Sessions to Enhance Treatment Outcomes

Monica Hartzell

Monica Hartzell, Sweden: Dialogical Aspects of Group Supervision


Katarina Fagerström, Pekka Aarninsalo, Finland: Systemic Therapy in Child Protection Family

Dag Gården, Geir Vik  Prosjektgruppa på Otta

Dag Gården, Geir Vik, Norway: Use of EFT to Reduce conflicts Between Parents

Elin Bjøru  Stephen Madigan - Copy

Elin Bjoru (Norway), Stephen Madigan (Canada): Relational Interviewing With Conflicted Couple Relationships – Theory (Part 1)


Location: University of Iceland Date: June 1, 2017 Time: 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm