Workshops III

Turid Wangensteen

Turid Wangensteen, Norway: Growing up with parental substance use disorder. A narrative approach to help traumatized children cope.

Kristiina Jussila - Copy

Kristiina Jussila, Finland: Family Therapy for all newborn families

Ásta Arnbjörg Pétursdóttir

Student workshop speaker: Ásta Arnbjörg Pétursdóttir: ”It was never meant to be a walk in the park” Couples key to long-lived and prosperous marriages, their characteristics and values

K. Stauss, K. Grant, L. Sparks

Kimberly Stauss, Ph.D, Leigh Sparks, Ph.D, Kaitlin Grant, MSW: Rebuilding the hurt connections between incarcerated women and the children left behind

Lars Robert Lund

Lars Robert Lund, Norway: Heart of gold. What keeps me going after all these years?


David E. Martinson

David Emil Martinson, PhD,: Creating a feedback milieu in family therapy: the Hagen example


Trine Eikrem

Trine Eikrem, Norway: “I remember” A retrospective study of young adults narrative of their parents divorce

Guðlaug Helga Ásgeirsdóttir

Guðlaug Helga Ásgeirsdóttir, Iceland: Family work, spirituality and palliative care


Allan Holmgren, Danmark: STAFF-Supervision


Martin Nevers   Lasse Offenberg

Martin Nevers, Lasse Offenberg, Danmark: School Conflict – Handle with Care

Eydís Kr. Sveinbjarnardóttir-03 (1) - Copy


Eydis Kristin Sveinbjarnardottir, Iceland: Family perceived support

Hilde Opstvedt - Copy  Per Bjørnar Halås

Elin Bjøru  Stephen Madigan - Copy

Elin Bjoru (Norway) Stephen Madigan (Canada): Relational Interviewing With Conflicted Couple Relationships – Practice (Part 2)


Location: University of Iceland Date: June 2, 2017 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm