Nordic Scientific Board

The team behind the screen:

Turidur Olafia Hjalmtysdottir - Copy Turidur Olafia Hjalmtysdottir. Certified Specialist in Clinical Family  Psychology, Project leader of the 11th Nordic Congress in Family Therapy, Chair of the Nordic Scientific Committee. Iceland Ingegerd Wirtberg - Copy Ingegerd Wirtberg. Ass. Professor, Certified Psychotherapist, Supervisor and Trainer in Family Therapy, Member of the Nordic Scientific CommitteeSweden
Dorte Nikolajsen - Copy Dorte Nikolajsen. Supervisor and Trainer in Narrative and Systemic Therapy. Marte Meo Supervisor. Member of the Nordic Scientific Committee. Danmark  Lennart Lorås - Copy Lennart Lorås, D.Sys.Psych. Associate professor at Bergen University College and VID Specialized University, Supervisor and Trainer in Systemic Family Therapy. Member of the Nordic Scientific Committee. Norway
 Eija-Liisa Rautiainen - Copy Eija-Liisa Rautiainen  PhD, Psychologist, Family Therapy Trainer and Supervisor, Member of the Nordic Scientific Committee. Finland  Bragi Skúlason - Copy Bragi Skúlason Ph D

Chair of the Icelandic Family Therapy Association, Secretary of the Nordic Scientific Committee. Iceland