Trine Eikrem, Norway: “I remember” A retrospective study of young adults narrative of their parents divorce

Trine Eikrem

Lecture room: Oddi – 202. Click for a map.

Working institution

Bufetat,  region øst


A qualitative study of young adult´s retrospective narrative of their parent´s divorce. The informants were children between 7 and 15 years when their parents got divorced.

The aim of the study is to get stories about how the children were agents during the process. The study also wants to explore how circumstances like the parent´s conflict level, the involvement of the child, the chosen custody arrangement and how they experienced the changes a divorce puts on a child.

The narratives are given in an interview with questions like:

When you look back, what did your parents do to support you?

Did they involve you in the process?

How did they involve you and how was it for you to be / not be involved?

What did you do that was helpful for you?

What do you think can help children when the parents get divorced?

Children´s Rights give children right to speak in matters concerning their life. Children are involved in their parent´s divorce in different ways. The story behind their choices may be told differently looking back than they would have been told as a child.