
Workshops as Events on facebook

Dear colleague! If you like to see continuously adding presentation of workshop events coming up on facebook please click on „Events“ on the left of our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Meeting-in-the-middle-Family-Therapy-Pathways-towards-Reconciliation-1835938919964050/  

Workshop presentation

We are delighted to announce that we already have a number of skilled workshop speakers coming up in our schedule. Their subjects range from various parts of our field. Workshops I Workshops II Workshops III Workshops IV

Abstract submission is still open

We are happy to announce that we still have capacity to welcome few more abstracts. We will therefore postpone abstract submission until our schedule is full. First come, first served. Call For Abstracts

Dear colleagues, happy new year!

„Where the glacier meet the sky, the land ceases to be earthy and the earth becomes one with the heavens; no sorrows live there anymore and therefore joy is not necessary; beauty alone reign there, beyond all demands.“ (Halldór Laxness: Heimsljos) Looking forward to seeing you in 2017

Abstract submission is still open

We are happy to announce that we still have capacity to welcome few more abstracts. We will therefore postpone abstract submission until our schedule is full. First come, first served. Call For Abstracts

Abstract submission is still open

Abstract submission is postponed until the 1st of January 2017. Now is the time to share your wonderful wisdom of reconciliation with your colleague. Do not wait. In January we will start presenting abstracts on our page and facebook.   Call For Abstracts

Please consider the fluctuation in currency and book early!

Iceland is a country of around 330 000 people, with the smallest base for any currency in the world so it is easily manipulated. The rise in the Icelandic krona consolidation rate lately is not only due to the krona rising but also because of the currency of other countries have fallen somewhat. As we […]