Schäfer, Reinhold; Gandløse, Jytte; Røijen, Staffan; Resen, Anja; Nielsen, Signe, Denmark: Pathfinderes in the room of refleksions – A path will come, when we work on it

Ungeliv Ringsted

Lecture room: Oddi – 201. Click for a map.

Working institution

Socialpsykiatrien Ringsted Kommune


Workshop about collaborative treatment with young people from the age of 16 to 25 years old, with psychological vulnerability and or problems with alcohol and drug abuse. In a setting of monthly sessions with extern consultants – a child and youth psychiatrist and a psychologist. From a team in a Danish municipal social-psychiatric system.

Ringsted municipality has developed a collaborative method Pathfinders in the room of reflections. An approach from a non-diagnostic and a not knowing position, in an emotional authentic, resource oriented and appreciative frame.

The young people, social workers/contact persons/therapists and the team of extern consultants meet and find a path, by the help of three reflexive processes from a specific chosen them. These collaborative processes develop new narratives for the youth and the social workers making new and different understandings in order to experience and understand the young people’s journey from a position of disturbance to witness the position of hope and development.

The result is a praxis, which is respectful for the participant’s positions, and which also match the demand for the social-psychiatric intervention in Denmark, in a time with a growing number of young people in psychiatric treatment, as well as a growing demand for efficient methods and efficient use of resources in public social work.

Both in the method of the model and in the context of the organization, we use the “onion” model, and the development of meaningful narratives. It is the young people who chose, if they want school advisory, contact with the social worker, or if they want to participate in the monthly sessions with the external consultants.

We work from a hypothesis, that the youth most of all want to be meet as independent and responsible humans.

The model is a graduated approach, instead of a complex and coordinated approach. An important condition for this model is that the social worker is able to be a visible and authentic role model.

The voice of the young people will in the workshop be introduced by a sound track (with English subtitles).

The positions from the professionals will be described with the focus on:

– Management (which is a demand in public social work).

–  Social workers- (method, learning and supervision)

– External consultants’ (inspiration and the development of the youngsters and social workers).

– All positions will be described from the domains of esthetics, production and reflections.