Nina Boelsgaard, Rikke Lyngdam, Danmark: Deadlocks and turning points

Nina BoelsgaardRikkeLyngdam

Lecture room: Lögberg – 103. Click for a map.

Working institution

FOLIKO is a Copenhagenbased private psychology community, mostly working for the public sector, with complex cases involving children and young people.


As we write this abstract, we are working on creating turningspoints in a complex case with a 3 year old child, who has been placed in fostercare. The work involves the greater biological family and network, the fosterfamily and also all the professionals around them. The workshop will be the story of how it goes: showing video, outlining our approach and presenting and explaining our choices of steps and excersizes – both theoretically and pratically.

Seldom do we as professionels, meet more explosive or frozen climates of cooperation, than when the core of the conflict is the protection of a child, that includes the question of custody. Such climates can easily create a multilateral stigma between the biological parents and foster parents, but it can also infect the larger system of professionel helpers and the authorities into absolutism. This is when deadlock ocurres and when a childs overall development can be threatened.

Deadlock calls, in our practice, for a need to experiment and to realize that all agents from all systems need new experiences before they can see new perspectives. As we work towards creating a turningpoint, the challenge is of cause reading, creating and managing contexts in a way, that all can feel safe enough to move and then orchestrate such movement into learning.

The last couple of years, we in Foliko, have focused on such high-conflict deadlock situations, and have found a handful of effective approaches in the practice of turningspoints, that we would like to share:

  • Using the Narrative of the Deadlock to create a willingness to experiment through a mindset of Epistemic Trust rather than Basic Trust
  • Using the childs need for a Coherent Narrative as a common motivation
  • Leaving ideas of Mediating Dialogue and work with Mediating Activities

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