Lecture room: Oddi – 206. Click for a map.
Working institution
Dialogisk praxis Sverige AB
Supervision can be seen as an opportunity for development both professionally and personally. A supervisor has an ethical responsibility not only in relation to the supervisees, but also for the third party. From a dialogical perspective the inner and outer dialogues in a supervision group (plus the supervisor´s!) offer a source of inspiration and experience that can be shared and helpful for everyone involved, including the non-present persons we call clients or patients. The supervisor can try to create an atmosphere of security to give space for the different and disparate voices to be heard. Language is the subject matter in dialogism and includes all kinds of expressions, not to forget what is conveyed inside the body or by body language. Dialogism also includes cultural, societal and historical aspects, and material limits.
In my workshop I hope to get an opportunity to demonstrate a group supervision session. I need someone to interview about a case, and some people to form a group and a reflecting team.