Hilde Opstvedt, Norway: Breaking the chain of transgenerational insecure attachment patterns: Using COS Parenting DVD to promote mutual support and trust in insecurely attached couples when developing new couple’s and parenting skills

Hilde Opstvedt

Lecture room: Lögberg – 201. Click for a map.

Working institution

Clinical Psychologist/ Unit of Couple’s and Family Therapy, Modum Bad, Vikersund


In families where one or both parents are suffering from a psychiatric illness there is an increased risk of transgenerational traumas and insecure attachment. Circle of Security (COS) Parenting DVD (training course for parents) uses attachment theory to understand how parents can support children’s developmental needs and why some parents struggle to do so. Awareness of the attachment history and the developmental needs of their children, facilitates reflection and change in parental behaviour. COS Parenting DVD is an integrated part of a 12 week residential couple and family treatment program that is organized within a Norwegian psychiatric clinic for adults. We experience that COS Parenting DVD greatly enhances the couple’s ability to break the chain of transgenerational insecure attachment patterns. Instead of triggering and escalating insecurity and maladaptive parent behaviour, the partners can be more empathic and supportive to the relational struggles of the other. This fosters trust and security in both.